Monday, June 15, 2009

20 Week Anatomy Scan

As fate would have it, right after our amnio results came we had our 20 week anatomy scan. This was a crucial part for us because this was where we were going to find out what exactly was in the omphalocele and how the baby was growing.

Ladies...the anatomy scans really do take at least an hour, and about 45 minutes in I had to go to the bathroom again and that ultrasound wand was starting to really annoy me. After lots of prodding and poking and printed pics the scan was done. My husband and I asked for the sonographer to write down the sex of the baby in a card (she also put some pics in there to "show" us it was a boy). After the appointment we were going out to dinner and going to open the card together and cherish the moment when we found out the sex of our baby!

After the scan the doctor looked at everything and came in to talk to us. "Well we still see the omphalocele" NO REALLY?!! I thought..."And everything looks good and normal. Inside the omphalocele is mostly liver and therefore we call it a giant omphalocele." Ok now, I was not ready to hear the word giant!! But I guess after all the 1 in a million things we had already defied I should have prepared myself. I am not going to lie, that was difficult to hear! The doctor also told us that although the heart looked good and was doing everything it should, it was a little more crooked than it should be however, it could just be the gravity of everything being pushed into the omphalocele that was causing it to be positioned like off to get a fetal echo cardiogram, which is par normal for anyone who is having a child with an omphalocele...but that didn't make it any less intimidating for me to hear that!


  1. I love how you guys found out the sex! So cute.

    And you really seem to be handling this all so well. I am so proud of you.

  2. Your story is such a relief. We just found out our baby has an omphalocele yesterday at our anatomy sonogram. I am having the amniocentesis tomorrow and it is a bit nerve wracking, but Jackson's journey has giving me so much hope. We still don't know the sex of our baby,but it wasn't important anymore once we found out the complications. I'm 18 weeks and I feel this will just make me anxious.
    Thank you for sharing all the details of your experience.
